#BiofilmWeek 2021 - A celebration of all things biofilm!

General event

#BiofilmWeek 2021 - A celebration of all things biofilm!

  • Event time: Starts on 16th August 2021. Runs until 22nd August 2021
  • Event dates: 16th August 2021 to 22nd August 2021
  • Speaker: (School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Edinburgh)
  • Speaker: Prof Nicola Stanley-Wall (University of Dundee)
  • Speaker: (School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh)
  • Location: Online

Event details

#BiofilmWeek (hosted by the National Biofilms Innovation Centre) will take place between 16-22 August 2021 and aims to promote the economic and physical impact that biofilms have on our world, as well as highlight research taking place to prevent, detect, manage and engineer biofilms.

In Edinburgh, we're celebrating #BiofilmWeek with a newly launched website, giving people easy access to a lot of the incredible research being done on biofilms at Edinburgh University, with a newly released video by researchers from the School of Physics and Astronomy, an entry into the Royal Society of Edinburgh's Curious festival on 20 August at 3pm, our self-guided Sherlock Holmes Biofilms Mystery tour of Inch Park and an activity and image booklet compiled by collaborators at the University of Dundee.

Resources can be found in the links below.

For queries, please email ines.foidl [at] ed.ac.uk (subject: Query%20re%20BiofilmWeek) (Ines Foidl.)

Event resources

About General events

Our General events include one-off events and lectures that are hosted by, or are of relevance to, the School of Physics and Astronomy..

Find out more about General events.