Modelling Interfacial Growth: An Introduction to the KPZ equation

Statistical Physics and Complexity Group meeting

Modelling Interfacial Growth: An Introduction to the KPZ equation

  • Event time: 11:30am
  • Event date: 19th November 2014
  • Speaker: Justin Whitehouse (Formerly School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Edinburgh)
  • Location: Room 2511,

Event details

Growing or propagating interfaces are seen across a wide range of systems, from atomic deposition to bacterial colony growth. I will describe and discuss the simple ballistic deposition (BD) model and motivate/derive the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. If we are un/lucky I might have time to derive the KPZ scaling exponents in 1D.
Kardar M., Parisi G., Zhang Y.-C., Dynamic Scaling of Growing Interfaces, PRL 56 9 1986
Barabasi A.-L., Stanley H.E., Fractal Concepts in Surface Growth, Cambridge University Press, 1995