22nd European Workshop on Heterostructure Technology (HETECH)
22nd European Workshop on Heterostructure Technology (HETECH)
- Event time: Starts on 9th September 2013. Runs until 11th September 2013
- Event dates: 9th September 2013 to 11th September 2013
- Location: University of Glasgow
Event details
Deadline for 1-page abstracts: Monday 24th June.
Notification of acceptance: by Monday 15th July.
HETECH is an international conference that aims to bring together young scientists, engineers and post graduate students along with experienced researchers and industry representatives, working in the field of semiconductor technology, focusing on materials and devices for electronics, optoelectronics and sensing. In recent years, special emphasis has been put on Wide Band Gap and Narrow Gap based devices.
Novel materials and device concepts, such as Nanowires, Carbon-based devices and Bio-chemical sensors are topics of increasing interest.
Abstracts invited
We invite the submission of abstracts for presentation in the following areas:
- SiC
- diamond
- graphene
- CNTs and organic semiconductors
- Material characterization
- Physics of heterostructures and nanostructures
- Novel nanoelectronic and nanophotonic materials and devices
- Semiconductor-based sensors and MEMS
- Biochemical sensing
- High frequency and high power electronic devices
- Light emitting diodes and lasers
Student Paper Prizes
Two prizes will be awarded for the two best student paper presentations at this years HETECH:
- Best Student Paper HETECH 2013 £250 cash prize + award plaque
- Runner Up Best Student Paper HETECH 2013 - £150 cash prize + award plaque
Find out more
Hetech website: http://hetech2013.org/ and
Hetech twitter feed: https://twitter.com/hetechmeeting
About General events
Our General events include one-off events and lectures that are hosted by, or are of relevance to, the School of Physics and Astronomy..