Demystifying Big Data

General event

Demystifying Big Data

  • Event time: 2:00pm
  • Event date: 19th November 2014
  • Location: Room G.07, Informatics Forum

Event details

Many of you will have heard of "Big Data". Yes, it's a buzz word, and therefore it's likely that everyone will have their own definition of what Big Data is. We believe, however, that beneath all of the hype and spin there are some useful ideas that could have a real impact on the ways we do our research.

This event will bring speakers from different parts of the University and from companies who are working with Big Data.

Tying in with the launch of Edinburgh Data Science, we invite the speakers to explain what they think Big Data is, and what is new and interesting about it. We'll also compare Big Data to Data Science and explain how these relate to each other.

There will be a drinks reception after the event, which will provide a good opportunity to discuss what we're all doing with our data.


Please register (free).

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