Higgs Centre Workshop on Topological Quantum Matter
General event
Higgs Centre Workshop on Topological Quantum Matter
- Event time: Starts on 2nd September 2013. Runs until 3rd September 2013
- Event dates: 2nd September 2013 to 3rd September 2013
- Location: Merchants' Hall, Edinburgh
Event details
This workshop will include a series of lectures from experts in the field.
Programme and speakers
Please see https://higgs.ph.ed.ac.uk/workshops/topological-quantum-matter
If you would like to attend this meeting please contact jjm7 [at] st-andrews.ac.uk (Julie Massey) to register as soon as possible and no later than 16th August. There is no charge, but the number of places is limited.
About General events
Our General events include one-off events and lectures that are hosted by, or are of relevance to, the School of Physics and Astronomy..