Hunting the Higgs at the LHC: Second Institute of Physics Edinburgh lecture

General event

Hunting the Higgs at the LHC: Second Institute of Physics Edinburgh lecture

  • Event time: 7:30pm
  • Event date: 11th December 2012
  • Speaker: (University of Glasgow)
  • Location: Royal Society, London

Event details

Talk abstract

The Higgs boson is the last missing element of the jigsaw that is the Standard Model of Particle Physics. It has been the target of many searches in a range of experiments since it was predicted, but has so far eluded discovery. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN and the ATLAS and CMS experiments were built to finally answer the question "Does the Higgs boson exist?".

In this talk I will discuss why the Higgs boson is a central part of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and talk about some of the early searches. The discovery of a new particle at CERN will be presented and I will consider whether this answers the question "Does the Higgs boson exist?".

Refreshments from 7:00 pm.

All are welcome to attend.


Contact R.R.Thomson [at] (Robert R. Thomson).

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