Imaging and Sensing in Medicine and Life Sciences workshop

General event

Imaging and Sensing in Medicine and Life Sciences workshop

  • Event time: 9:00am
  • Event date: 22nd February 2012
  • Location: University of Strathclyde

Event details

Whether imaging individual molecules within cells or imaging whole body systems, rapid developments are being made in imaging and sensing biological processes.

This workshop is proposed as the start of a new initiative to span all of the current pooling initiatives within Scotland and industry. Taking the format of short, high-impact talks, this workshop aims to identify critical problems in the area of “Imaging and Sensing in Medicine and the Life Sciences” which could be addressed by collaborations between partners in SU2P, SINAPSE, NRP / SRPe, SUPA, SULSA, SICSA and Industry.

Coffee and lunch breaks will be scheduled with ample time to allow networking and follow-up of topics introduced in the presentation sessions.

Call for Papers

Two forms of contribution are invited:
• Academic staff and industrial researchers are invited to deliver 5-minute
presentations, with an additional 1-minutes provided for questions. Presentations
should highlight a promising scientific or technical capability, or alternatively should
define an important unsolved problem in the theme area.

• Students and post-doctoral researchers, or those that prefer to do so, are invited to
submit posters for display during the coffee and lunch breaks.

Places are strictly limited and early registration is essential. Registration including coffee breaks and a buffet lunch is free for SU2P, SINAPSE, NRP / SRPe, SUPA, SULSA, SICSA and partner organisations as well as industry.

To participate in the workshop, register at:

The registration deadline is 5pm, 13th January 2012. Participants will receive email confirmation by 3rd February 2012


8.45 Registration and Coffee

Session 1: Chair Frank Gunn-Moore

9.15 Keynote: Derek Swan, Optos (
9.45 10 off 6-minute Presentations (5mins + 1min question)
10.45 Coffee and posters

Session 2: Chair Sandy Cochran

11.30 10 off 6-minute presentations (5mins + 1min question)
12.30 Wrap-up - Professor David Wyper, University of Glasgow, SINAPSE Director
12.45 Lunch, Networking and Posters
14.00 Close (rooms available to 15.00 to allow for networking)

About General events

The School of Physics & Astronomy is pleased to announce the Inaugural Lecture of Professor Andreas Hermann, Personal Chair of Computational Physics. To be held at the Alder Lecture Theatre, The Nucleus, Kings Buildings, 30 January 2025, 5.15pm at the .

Find out more about General events.