IoP event: The Psychology of Communicating Science

General event

IoP event: The Psychology of Communicating Science

  • Event time: All day
  • Event date: 8th June 2011
  • Location: Institute of Physics, London

Event details

The Psychology of Communicating Science: IOP Physics Communicators Group Summer Meeting

Is communicating science just a matter of putting together a good talk with effective slides and perhaps a few exciting demonstrations? Or is it more complicated? Should we be looking at the psychology behind communication and understanding the psychology of our audiences? Keynotes from actor and science communicator, Jack Klaff, and Editor of the IOP community forum, Liz Kalaugher, kick off the discussion.

Public Engagement and the Research Excellence Framework (REF)
Special opportunity to discuss the advice to HEFCE which will inform their Guidance to Panels for the REF.

Physics Communicators Major Meeting will now include an additional workshop discussing the latest information on the requirements of Impact Case Studies that feature Public Engagement (in whole or in part). This is of particular interest if your Unit of Assessment is considering whether to include a PE Impact Case Study or simply to find out more about the Public Engagement Strategy element of the Impact Statement.

Registration deadline: 3 June 2011

Further information

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