IOP Lecture at the RSE: Multifunctional Additive Manufacturing

General event

IOP Lecture at the RSE: Multifunctional Additive Manufacturing

  • Event time: 7:30pm
  • Event date: 15th December 2015
  • Speaker: (University of Nottingham)
  • Location: Royal Society, London

Event details

Refreshments will be served from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm.


As is now widely recognized, Additive Manufacturing offers many potential advantages to both users and industry, with one of the principal benefits being in the extended levels of design freedom and complexity that can be incorporated into a component.

For single material additive manufacturing – most notably the powder bed fusion techniques, which are of particular relevance and interest to industry today – we are beginning to see examples emerging that incorporate complex lattice structures or components that involve a degree of topology optimization or parts consolidation in their design. Though many of these emerging examples are impressive, by their single material nature, they also are limited to being used as “passive” components that require integration into a larger system in order to impart functionality beyond the mainly structural. However, taking the concept of design freedom beyond the geometrical domain to one where multiple materials are simultaneously deposited opens up the potential for the creation of functionalized, “active” devices “printed” in one build operation. However, though simple in concept, this discrete deposition of dissimilar materials throughout the volume of a part creates significant technical challenges, particularly in the deposition of useful materials.

In this presentation, I will focus on the current activities of the research group at Nottingham where there is an emphasis on multifunctional Additive Manufacturing. This research is predominantly, but not exclusively, utilising jetting based technologies for the co-deposition of both structural and functional materials for electronic, pharmaceutical and biological structures and devices and varying length scales.  

Institute of Physics (IOP) Edinburgh lecture series

This is the first lecture in the 2015-2016 Institute of Physics (IOP) Edinburgh lecture series. A poster for the 2015-2016 series of Edinburgh IOP lectures, together with talk abstracts can be found via here...

For any enquiries, contact Robert R. Thomson (R.R.Thomson [at]

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