Materials for Quantum Technologies workshop

General event

Materials for Quantum Technologies workshop

  • Event time: Starts on 27th August 2014. Runs until 29th August 2014
  • Event dates: 27th August 2014 to 29th August 2014
  • Location: University of St Andrews

Event details

Supported by the International Max Planck Partnership, this event aims to bring together world-leading scientists working in the areas of quantum materials, topologically-protected states and quantum computation, to discuss the potential for exploiting condensed matter systems for future quantum technologies. Tutorials will take place on the first morning to introduce early stage researchers to the field. Around 90 delegates from throughout the UK and further afield are expected to attend.


An exciting list of invited speakers have confirmed their attendance:

Saeed Bahramy (University of Tokyo), Carlo Beenakker (Leiden University), Chris Bell (University of Bristol ), Manuel Brando (Max Planck Institute, Dresden), Andrea Caviglia (Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft), Brian Gerardot (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh), Mark Golden (University of Amsterdam), Clifford Hicks (Max Planck Institute, Dresden), Brendon Lovett (University of St Andrews), Vidya Madhavan (Boston College), Jochen Mannhart (Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart), Desmond McMorrow (University College London), Johnpierre Paglione (University of Maryland), Suchitra Sebastian (University of Cambridge), Steve Simon (University of Oxford), Hao Tjeng (Max Planck Institute, Dresden).

Places are limited and registration is on a first come, first served basis at The early bird registration fee is £100 until 1st June. Abstracts for contributed talks and posters should be submitted online.

Bursaries for PhD students

There will be a small number of bursaries available for PhD students to attend the event. Details of how to apply for these are available at If you have any queries please email the organisers at mqtinfo [at]

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