Quantum Sensors – A Quantum Technology Moving into Applications

General event

Quantum Sensors – A Quantum Technology Moving into Applications

  • Event time: 7:30pm
  • Event date: 26th January 2016
  • Speaker: (University of Birmingham)
  • Location: Royal Society, London

Event details


The developments using lasers to control atoms at the quantum limit has given rise to the Nobel Prizes in 1997, 2001, 2005 and 2012, recognising the huge impact on our ability to harness quantum physics. This is opening prospects from fundamental physics to everyday applications. It in particular enables precision sensors for gravity, rotation, electromagnetic fields and time, which promise huge economic impact. This talk will introduce the physics behind these quantum sensors and present an overview of the activities in moving this exciting science into technology within the UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Metrology. The talk will also discuss examples of potential applications ranging from brain research to oil and mineral exploration and roadworks.

Refreshments will be served from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm. 

All are welcome to attend.

A poster for the 2015-2016 series of Edinburgh IOP lectures, together with talk abstracts can be found via: http://home.eps.hw.ac.uk/~phyrrt/IOP_lectures_2015_2016.pdf

For any enquiries, contact Robert R. Thomson (R.R.Thomson [at] hw.ac.uk).

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