Quantum technologies using electron and nuclear spins: IOP Edinburgh lecture
General event
Quantum technologies using electron and nuclear spins: IOP Edinburgh lecture
- Event time: 7:30pm
- Event date: 17th December 2013
- Speaker: Dr John Morton (UCL)
- Location: Royal Society, London
Event details
The second lecture in the 2013-2014 Institute of Physics (IOP) Edinburgh lecture series
Refreshments will be served from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
All are welcome to attend.
A poster for the 2013-2014 series of Edinburgh IOP lectures, together with talk abstracts can be found at: http://home.eps.hw.ac.uk/~phyrrt/IOPinEdinburgh2013to14.htm
Robert R. Thomson: R.R.Thomson [at] hw.ac.uk
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Our General events include one-off events and lectures that are hosted by, or are of relevance to, the School of Physics and Astronomy..