The mathematics of biodiversity: International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) public lecture

General event

The mathematics of biodiversity: International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) public lecture

  • Event time: 6:00pm
  • Event date: 15th October 2013
  • Speaker: Tom Leinster (University of Edinburgh (School of Mathematics))
  • Location: International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, 15 South College Street

Event details


The rapid decline in biodiversity now taking place is believed by some to be the start of one of the greatest mass extinctions in the history of life on earth.  Taking action on this requires not only political will, but also sound methods for quantifying and reasoning about diversity - because without them, we risk channelling conservation funds in the wrong directions.Diversity matters not only for trees, birds, and so on, but also for invisible life such as the bacteria that live in your gut, and for designing effective vaccines against different strains of viruses - where we humans tend to think of diversity as bad, not good.

There are deep mathematical problems here, and solving them has involved some surprising branches of mathematics that are often seen as distant from any conceivable application.

Refreshments will be served afterwards. 


Tickets are free and available via Eventbrite.

International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) public lecture series

This Autumn/Winter, ICMS is planning 3 public talks from researchers/mathematicians based in Edinburgh.  These talks will be aimed for those aged 16+ and open to all regardless of background. This lecture series will tie in with Maths for Planet Earth 2013.

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