Unconscious bias and gender equality in Physics: IOP Workshop
Unconscious bias and gender equality in Physics: IOP Workshop
- Event time: 10:00am
- Event date: 13th March 2014
- Location: University of Edinburgh
Event details
The Institute of Physics diversity team and Scottish University Physics Alliance are holding a free workshop on unconscious bias and gender equality in physics at the University of Edinburgh.
The morning session will focus on unconscious bias in science, and the afternoon session will provide a forum for departments to share best practice in embedding gender equality and learn more about successful initiatives implemented across other departments through Project Juno.
Recent studies (including this study from Yale) have indicated the impact of unconscious bias within science departments and how it creates an unwitting barrier to the progression of women. The morning session will be delivered by Dr Pete Jones (Different with Difference), a psychological consultant who specialises in unconscious bias and how to reduce its impact within an organisation.
During the afternoon, there will be short sessions looking at approaches to parental leave in different departments and transferability between the JUNO and Athena SWAN awards. The day will end with a panel discussion with representatives from Juno, Athena SWAN, and the two Scottish Champion departments.
The workshop is free to attend. Lunch will be provided for all attendees.
To register yourself or other members of your department for the workshop, please email maisie.monroe [at] iop.org
Further information
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