Young Theorists' Forum 2011

General event

Young Theorists' Forum 2011

  • Event time: Starts on 14th December 2011. Runs until 15th December 2011
  • Event dates: 14th December 2011 to 15th December 2011

Event details

The Young Theorists' Forum 2011 (YTF11) is now accepting applications for speakers, poster presenters and attendees.

Following the success of previous years, YTF11 aims to provide an opportunity for graduate students in Theoretical Physics to meet their contemporaries and present their work to a sympathetic audience.

The programme will include both short and longer talks on topics ranging from the phenomenological to the more formal aspects of Particle Theory, Gravitation and Cosmology. As a (by no means exclusive) guide, we invite speakers on:

- Amplitudes


- Gravity and Cosmology

- Lattice Field Theory

- Solitons, 2D and Conformal Field Theories

- Standard Model Phenomenology

- Strings and M-theory

New this year, YTF11 will also have a "Poster and Pizza" session providing an excellent opportunity to get your research recognised by your peers in a less formal setting.

The final day of the forum is coordinated to coincide with the start of the Annual Theory Meeting & STFC Town Meeting (ATM) also held at Durham. Attendees of YTF11 are encouraged to remain in Durham for the ATM.

Support for attendees

There is some limited financial support available for attendees. We expect to be able to provide accommodation for all speakers and for those students who will stay in Durham for the ATM. The remaining support will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Further information

About General events

Our General events include one-off events and lectures that are hosted by, or are of relevance to, the School of Physics and Astronomy..

Find out more about General events.