Modeling Beyond Standard Model Physics
General event
Modeling Beyond Standard Model Physics
- Event time: 10:00am until 12:15pm
- Event date: 13th April 2017
- Speaker: Tiziano Camporesi (CMS, CERN)
- Speaker: Monica D’Onofrio (ATLAS, CERN and Liverpool University)
- Speaker: Jon Butterworth (University College London)
- Speaker: Alan Barr ( ATLAS, CERN and the University of Oxford)
- Speaker: Michela Massimi (University of Edinburgh)
- Location: Royal Society of Edinburgh, George Street, Edinburgh
Event details
Michela Massimi will lead a half-day workshop at the Royal Society of Edinburgh on the topic of Modelling Beyond Standard Model Physics. The event will include presentations by Tiziano Camporesi (CMS, CERN), Monica D'Onofrio (ATLAS, CERN), Alan Barr (ATLAS, CERN) and Jon Butterworth (ATLAS, CERN) and is part of the ERC project Perspectival Realism.
The event is free but registration is required.
Further information
About General events
Our General events include one-off events and lectures that are hosted by, or are of relevance to, the School of Physics and Astronomy..