A Theorist’s Perspective on Neutrino and Dark Matter Experiments
A Theorist’s Perspective on Neutrino and Dark Matter Experiments
- Event time: 4:00pm until 5:30pm
- Event date: 6th December 2024
- Speaker: Dr Pedro Pasquini (State University of Campinas)
- Location: Higgs Centre Seminar Room, Room 4305, James Clerk Maxwell Building (JCMB) (James Clerk Maxwell Building (JCMB)) James Clerk Maxwell Building Peter Guthrie Tait Road Edinburgh EH9 3FD GB
Event details
As the largest neutrino and dark matter experiments are launched, they will offer unprecedented opportunities to discover physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). In this talk, I will discuss the physics potential of these experiments over the next decade and explore the rich phenomenology of neutrino oscillations, focusing on expected signals in long-baseline and direct detection experiments. Probing BSM physics is difficult, as it often manifests as sub-leading effects.
However the presence of new particles and interactions can challenge our interpretation of data and profoundly impact the neutrino CP-violation measurement and dark matter detection. The combination of multiple experimental results will be crucial in distinguishing new physics from the standard one.
Event resources
About Experimental Particle Physics seminars
The experimental particle physics seminar series invites speakers from all over Europe to discuss the latest developments at the LHC, accelerator and non-accelerator based neutrino physics, hardware R&D and astroparticle physics. .