Successful Athena SWAN Silver status renewal
The School of Physics and Astronomy has had its Athena SWAN Silver status renewed in recognition of the work we have undertaken and our continuing efforts in addressing gender equality and fostering a more inclusive working environment.
Athena SWAN is a charter established and managed by Advance HE (previously the Equality Challenge Unit) that recognises and celebrates good practices in higher education and research institutions towards the advancement of gender equality: representation, progression and success for all staff.
The School was first awarded Athena SWAN Silver status in September 2014, and continuously works to adopt the Athena SWAN charter principles within its policies, practices, action plans and culture. The School also holds an IoP Juno Champion award that recognizes and rewards physics departments that have taken action to address gender equality.
The Athena SWAN Charter covers women (and men where appropriate) in:
- academic roles in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine) as well as other subjects
- professional and support staff
- trans staff and students
In relation to their:
- representation
- progression of students into academia
- journey through career milestones
- working environment for all staff
Prof Arthur Trew, Head of School, reported:
This award reflects the widespread desire within the School to ensure that in our pursuit of excellence, we enable all to flourish. I am really pleased by the steps that we have taken and the commitment that everyone has shown. This is not the end, and we aim to improve our ways of working further over the coming years.
Dr Job Thijssen, Director of Equality & Diversity for the School said:
I am delighted that the work we have done, and continue to do, to make the School a fairer place to work has been recognised by the renewal of this award. I would like to thank members of the School’s Equality & Diversity Committee, as well as wider colleagues for their contribution and commitment to this work.