Early Career Award for Dr Davide Michieletto
Congratulations to Davide Michieletto who has received an award from the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics Group.
The Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics Group currently offers this Early Career Award biennially to an exceptional scientist working in the broadly defined area of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics.
Davide’s award is for 'outstanding contributions to the field of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, and topologically active materials inspired by DNA and genomes of living cells'.
In his short time as a researcher, Davide has built an international reputation in understanding how the topology of biological and synthetic polymers affect the macroscopic properties of complex fluids and soft materials, and has an impressive publication record. He has developed groundbreaking computer simulations of DNA-inspired material science, chromosomes and epigenetics, as well as making theoretical advances in polymer science.
Davide’s infectious passion for science and his highly interdisciplinary research projects are attracting numerous and strong students (from BSc to PhD) keen to work in this new exhilarating field at the interface of soft matter and molecular biology.
Davide holds a Royal Society University Research Fellowship and is based in the School of Physics and Astronomy and the Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine.