Nuclear physics research recognition for Carlo Bruno
Congratulations to Dr Carlo Bruno who has been awarded the Young Investigator prize in Nuclear Physics.
The Young Investigator prize in Nuclear Physics is awarded to recognize and encourage promising experimental or theoretical research in nuclear physics, including the advancement of a method, a procedure, a technique, or a device that contributes in a significant way to nuclear physics research.
Carlo Bruno was awarded this prize for his experimental work with low-energy nuclear reactions relevant for astrophysics and his leading role in transferring these experiments into storage rings using radioactive beams.
Carlo graduated from the Università Statale di Milano in Italy, and came to the School’s Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics for his PhD in Nuclear Astrophysics, which he obtained in 2017. Carlo's research focuses on measuring nuclear reactions of key importance to understand the origin of the elements from the Big Bang to supernovae using heavy ion storage rings at FAIR (Germany). He has played a leading role in creating CARME (CRYRING Array for Reaction Measurements), an extreme vacuum chamber for use in international nuclear and atomic physics experiments.
This prize was established by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), which works to assist in the worldwide development of physics, to foster international cooperation in physics, and to help in the application of physics toward solving problems of concern to humanity.