2012 Tait Medallists announced

The Tait Medal is awarded to the best final year students in Mathematical Physics or Mathematics & Physics. This year's winners are Alastair Heffernan, Vladimir Prochazka and Mara Ungureanu. Our congratulations to all three winners.
"This year there were three excellent candidates, all with excellent results, so we decided to give them a medal each. This is very unusual: it last happened in 1979." Richard Ball, Professor of Mathematical Physics
Tait Institute
The Tait Institute is devoted to teaching and research in mathematical physics. Founded by Nick Kemmer in 1955 in honour of Peter Guthrie Tait, it was re-established in 2011 as the focus for mathematical physics in Scotland.
The members of the Tait Institute teach a range of undergraduate degrees in Mathematical Physics. Research covers a wide range of areas: from string theory and cosmology to particle physics, statistical mechanics and high performance computing.
The Tait Institute supports international visitor, workshop and summer school programmes in conjunction with SUPA and SUSSP. Annually, it hosts the Robin Schlapp Lecture, given by some of the most distinguished mathematical physicists in the world.