
    New wiki page contains information, guidance and resources for postdoctoral research staff.

    While University and School webpages contain a range of information and resources for staff, the School of Physics and Astronomy wanted to create a resource aimed specifically at postdoctoral research staff.  The wiki produced by the School contains information on grants and funding, resources on career and personal development, and practical guidance aimed at new staff recruited to the School.

    The resource was largely put together by student intern, Teodora-Elena Bulichi (who is due to commence year 3 of her MPhys Physics degree), with guidance and support from Prof Rosalind Allen, the School’s postdoc champion, and Dr. Adam Stevens, who leads the School’s Physics and Astronomy Research Staff Society (PARSS). Teodora undertook this summer internship as part of a University of Edinburgh Careers Service Employ.ed on Campus opportunity. 

    Teodora-Elena Bulichi commented:

    I thought it was a great opportunity for me to meet fellow staff members, help contribute to a valuable project and to gain lots of insights into the workings of the School and University.

    Prof Rosalind Allen commented:

    We’ve really enjoyed working with Teodora over the summer, and we are grateful for the commitment she has shown and the work she has completed. We hope that our postdoctoral research community find this wiki to be a valuable resource.

    The University Research Fellowship scheme supports outstanding scientists who have the potential to become leaders in their field.

    The Royal Society’s University Research Fellowship scheme is aimed at outstanding scientists who are in the early stages of their research career and have the potential to become leaders in their field.

    Davide is based in the School’s Institute for Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, and his main research areas are biophysics and soft matter. He is interested in understanding how DNA organisation and topology – that property of a line that tells you if it is knotted - are regulated in vivo. In spite of the extreme confinement of DNA in vivo (we have 2 meters of it in each human cell!) an army of sophisticated and vitally important proteins keep DNA free of knots and entanglements. Ultimately, he aims to draw inspiration from these mesmerising mechanisms to create “topologically active” complex fluids and materials with novel properties that exploit DNA’s unique capabilities. Potential applications include DNA-based bio- and nano-technology such as novel drug delivery carriers, hydrogels and sensors.

    Davide said:

    I am extremely pleased and honoured to have received this prestigious award from the Royal Society. I am looking forward to start this new adventure and particularly thrilled by the fact that I will be able to perform experiments as well as theory and simulations.

    Involvement in the National Biofilms Innovation Centre (NBIC) biofilm awareness campaign, #BiofilmAware, which will run over the next 12 months.

    The National Biofilms Innovation Centre

    The National Biofilms Innovation Centre (NBIC) is an Innovation Knowledge Centre (IKC) and is led by four Universities, including staff from the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh, and colleagues from the universities of Liverpool, Nottingham and Southampton, with a consortium of 52 academic partner institutions across the UK. It is the central hub where academia, industry, government, and public policy come together to tackle the challenges biofilms present, impacting £5 trillion in global economic activity, from food and health to ships, clean water and energy.


    Biofilms are well known to a number of research and development disciplines, but not to the general public. What they are, how they are formed and how they impact our world, generally is still a mystery to those outside the scientific community. Through a blend of content, events and outreach activities #BiofilmAware will work to raise awareness of NBIC and its research, and the many societal and economic impacts of biofilms. A highlight of the campaign will be the introduction of the UK’s first #BiofilmWeek, to be held in July 2021.  

    Professor Cait MacPhee, Co-Director of NBIC and Personal Chair of Biological Physics, School of Physics and Astronomy, said:

    Microbial biofilms are the predominant form of microbial life on Earth and they impact us daily, in so many different ways.  Because they are so ubiquitous, we need a truly interdisciplinary approach to studying them, as well as input from the public to understand their needs and concerns. NBIC is an innovation knowledge centre that links up industry and academics to deliver the best, most relevant and life-changing science to the public. The #BiofilmAware campaign starts the dialogue to ensure people’s needs are and will be met.

    Latest research suggests that dark matter is more evenly spread across the Universe than previously thought

    Researchers say that invisible dark matter is around 10 per cent less clumpy than expected and maps of more than 30 million galaxies reveal a smoother sweep of the elusive material than predicted by the leading theory about the Universe’s early expansion. The theory – based on knowledge of the Universe’s make-up right after the Big Bang – predicts that dark matter should be dotted around the Universe in denser clumps than the astronomers have observed.

    An international team used a telescope at the European Southern Observatory in Chile to study the light emitted by millions of galaxies – some more than 10 billion light years away. Analysing how the gravitational tug of dark matter altered the direction of emitted light enabled the team to map out the matter in the Universe. Professor Catherine Heymans, of the University of Edinburgh’s School of Physics and Astronomy, who led the research team, said:

    The results are fascinating as we directly map out the mysterious dark side of our Universe

    Unidentified gaps in the standard model of Cosmology could explain why the team’s findings about dark matter – which has never been directly detected – differed from predictions. Dr Marika Asgari, from the School of Physics and Astronomy, who co-led the analysis, calls the result 'intriguing':

    The standard model of Cosmology relies on rather mysterious physics that we call dark matter and dark energy.  Scientists have to test this remarkable model in as many ways as possible, and that is exactly what we are doing

    The latest findings from the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) appear in five articles submitted for publication in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics. The work was co-led by scientists from the University of Edinburgh, University College London, the Ruhr-University Bochum in Germany and Leiden University in The Netherlands. The research builds on previous work by the KiDS team to map 15 million galaxies. Dr Tilman Tröster, from the School of Physics and Astronomy, who co-led the analysis, said:

    The KiDS results may indicate small cracks in the standard model, just like another discrepancy in the expansion rate of the Universe, the so-called Hubble constant. The question is whether these can be solved with a small adjustment, for example with a somewhat more complex behavior of dark matter than the simple hypothesis of totally inert 'cold dark matter

    Curiosity boxes packed with fun STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths) activities have been given the thumbs up by primary school pupils in Edinburgh.

    The School of Physics and Astronomy joined the project led by Edinburgh BioQuarter to provide education packs to children in its neighbouring communities at Craigmillar, Niddrie, Moredun and Gilmerton after being approached by local teachers for support.  

    Dr Jean-Christophe Denis, the Ogden Outreach Officer at the School of Physics and Astronomy, was approached by both local schools and colleague Cathy Southworth, BioQuarter’s community science engagement manager, to initiate the project to provide enough STEM activity boxes for children in the surrounding neighbourhoods. The School of Physics and Astronomy contributed to the £20,000 raised to finance the project, and provided logistical helps thanks to the good relationships already established with the local community.

    Jean-Christophe said:

    Over the past years, we have done a lot of work to develop good relationships with our local neighbours so that we can mutually benefit from our interactions. We have been running year-long weekly science clubs in schools in Craigmillar and Moredun, delivered tailored activities for the local schools, a local holidays programme offered by Edinburgh City Council and helped organised the Craigmillar science festival since its start. We believe that it is our duty to engage with the communities physically near us and build bridges between our campus and local residents. 

    Unfortunately, the Covid-19 crisis put a brutal stop to our activities in these communities. We know that these times are very challenging for all of us, and we wanted to do our part to support local families. Schools had informed me about the difficulties some families face regarding access to materials to do home schooling effectively. When Cathy mentioned the idea of sending STEM boxes to the community, I knew this was the answer and the right thing to do.

    Eight-year-old Seamus Whelan, a pupil at St Francis Primary in Craigmillar, is delighted with his STEM box. He lives with his mum Kara, an early literacy project manager with a local charity, dad John, who works in a homeless hostel, his older brother Oisin and his dog, Buddy.

    Kara said:

    Seamus loves STEM work and it really captured his imagination over lockdown. His grandparents sent him a microscope for his 8th birthday in May and he set up his own YouTube channel 'Snake creations'  to share the science videos he was making with his Dad.

    When we realised the STEM boxes were available we were thrilled. A lot of children will be keen to do activities over the summer whereas before lockdown, when boundaries between school and home were clearer, the end of the school year would have drawn the line for educational pursuits.

    Mhairi MacDonald, depute head teacher at Niddrie Mill Primary School, made the initial approach for support.

    She commented:

    Like many families across the city, lots of our children and their loved ones have found lockdown difficult. Some have experienced more financial difficulties and have struggled without the structure and resources that school usually brings. A number of families also do not have a garden, so keeping the children entertained in a contained space has been challenging. During COVID we have had many families in crisis looking for support to make their home a more positive place to be.

    We are limited to what we can offer but reached out to Edinburgh BioQuarter and asked if they could help, and they provided us with these wonderful exciting science boxes, fully funded. These boxes were offered to all children locally to offer equitable experiences during lock down.

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) have released a comprehensive analysis of the largest three-dimensional galaxy map of the Universe ever created, filling in the most significant gaps in our exploration of its history over 11 billion years of cosmic time.

    The new results are detailed measurements of more than two million galaxies and quasars, derived from a subset of the SDSS: the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS), which involved an international collaboration of more than 100 astrophysicists.

    The detailed analysis of this dataset is described in more that 20 technical papers which the eBOSS team have made public. These papers, more than 500 pages in total, mark the completion of the key goals of the survey.  Within the eBOSS team, individual groups at universities around the world focused on different aspects of the analysis. To create the part of the map dating back six billion years, the team used luminous red galaxies. Farther out, they used younger blue galaxies. Finally, to map the Universe eleven billion years in the past and more, they used quasars, which are bright galaxies lit up by material falling onto a central supermassive black hole. Each of these samples required careful analysis in order to remove contaminants and reveal the patterns of the Universe.

    The team from the Institute of Astronomy at the School of Physics and Astronomy, including Dr Shadab Alam and Prof John Peacock, led an analysis focused on understanding the young blue galaxies. There is a long-standing question of nature vs nurture when one looks at the populations of different types of galaxies. More precisely, what aspects of the galaxy properties are affected by the local conditions around these galaxies? Such questions are interesting in their own right, but they are also particularly important to make sure our measurements of the properties of the Universe are not biased by local conditions of these galaxies.

    The wealth of data released by the eBOSS team will continue to be one of richest datasets for astronomers to attack some of the most challenging questions in astrophysics.

    The effort from the University of Edinburgh was supported by the European Research Council through the COSFORM Research Grant.

    Scientists adjust the Remote3 project in order that children can learn and develop coding and technological skills during lockdown.

    Remote3 was designed to help students from remote schools in the Scottish Highlands and Islands access exciting science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) challenges.  Since lockdown, the project has been adapted to continue online. Children all over the country have been attending weekly webinars that introduce a coding challenge and provide information about the uses of robots around the world.

    Students have created code during weekly tasks which have become increasingly challenging. They have then had the chance to test their code remotely on a LEGO Mindstorm robot, submitting their work in advance, which is then tested live in the webinar. Experienced computer scientists, physicists and technicians have been on hand to answer students’ questions about coding, robots and science during the sessions.

    Eight weeks on, the students have developed their skills to tackle the final summer challenge: a two-month project which will involve designing a planetary surface for their robot rovers to explore, as well as creating the code required to successfully explore it. At the end of the project in September, students will get the chance to test their completed code and celebrate their achievements in a final online event.

    The Remote3 team combines School of Physics and Astronomy particle physicists Dr Xin Ran Liu and Prof. Alex Murphy, with the Boulby Underground Laboratory and Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Public Engagement teams, along with support from STFC’s Scientific Computing Department.  The project was funded by the STFC Spark Award programme.

    Xin reported:

    We want the project to inspire innovation and creative design, develop digital skills, encourage teamwork, team-building and oral and written presentation skills in a diverse environment, as well as provide awareness of the remarkable ongoing front-line scientific activity taking place across the UK and overseas. In doing so we want to encourage the next generation of young people into a career in STEM subjects.

    Remote3 originally aimed to give Scottish school children the chance to build and control LEGO rovers remotely more than one kilometre underground in the Boulby Underground Laboratory. The Boulby Underground Laboratory, on the edge of the North York Moors, is home to a Mars Yard, where students’ rovers will eventually be tested when the schools project can take place. The rovers will be following in the tracks of full-size Mars Rover prototypes, which have been tested there as part of international space research events in the past. The extremely salty, hot and dusty environment there simulates conditions found on other planets and will add to the challenge of the competition. The project is planned to run for at least two years, engaging with hundreds of students.

    BioAsteroid culturing device
    BioAsteroid culturing device

    Scientists investigate the effects of microbes on asteroidal material in space under microgravity conditions.

    BioAsteroid, a space biomining experiment, uses a collection of 12 automatic culturing devices fitted with a layer of material on which bacteria and fungus will be grown. The project will investigate the growth of the bacteria and fungus on asteroidal material in microgravity, studying biofilm formation, bioleaching and other chemical and biological changes in microgravity, including the genetic transcriptional changes in space.

    This follows an earlier experiment investigating the formation of biofilms on natural surfaces and the bioleaching of elements from basaltic rock, BioRock. This experimental apparatus, which flew to the space station in 2019 with SpaceX, is a miniature bioreactor, and allowed the scientists to study how microbes grow in space and what effect microgravity has on their growth.

    BioAsteroid scientists will be flying their second experiment to the International Space Station in November this year.

    The UK Centre for Astrobiology, which involves a number of School of Physics and Astronomy researchers, and Kayser Space have collaborated on the project, which is the first European experiment to be fast-tracked to the International Space Station through the Bioreactor Express programme.

    Prof. Charles Cockell, School of Physics and Astronomy, said:

    By studying biofilm formation of these organisms on the asteroidal material in microgravity, BioAsteroid will investigate how space conditions ultimately affect microbe-mineral interactions, addressing questions on the biochemistry of the organisms, biofilm morphology and structure, fungal attachment and the ability of the microbes to break down rock, a key process for the future use of microorganisms in space exploration, including the mining of asteroids.

    Dr. Rosa Santomartino, School of Physics and Astronomy, said:

    Microorganisms perform many useful tasks on Earth, and they will be essential for human space exploration. With BioRock first and BioAsteroid now, we are investigating this possibility and advancing our knowledge on microbial response to space conditions, with benefits for both space and terrestrial bioindustry.

    The Science Verification Test for BioAsteroid will take place later this month in Edinburgh, where the microbes will be grown for the first time on the actual flight culturing hardware. The experiment is scheduled to be launched to the International Space Station with SpaceX in November 2020.

    The School welcomes applications from both external and internal scientists interested in applying for personal fellowships.

    We are keen to attract outstanding researchers from Edinburgh and across the world to join us as Postdoctoral Fellows.  We offer a high quality research environment and support for you in your fellowship application process. 

    Fellowship opportunities

    The School operates an internal review process for the following fellowship opportunities:

    • UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships
    • Royal Society University Research Fellowships
    • STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowships
    • EPSRC Fellowships
    • Royal Astronomical Society Fellowships
    • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship
    • Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship

    Application information

    Candidates are expected to have a PhD in Physics, Astronomy or a related discipline, and in most cases a few years research experience, as well as the ability to present clear evidence of their potential to undertake leading research.

    The School of Physics and Astronomy is committed to advancing equality and diversity, welcoming applications from everyone irrespective of gender, ethnic group or nationality. We particularly encourage applications from female and/or BAME candidates.

    How to apply

    Candidates must submit information including a research statement, CV and list of publications.  The deadline for a number of these fellowships is noon, 17 July 2020.

    Artist's concept of a supermassive black hole and its surrounding disk of gas. Credit: Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC)
    Artist's concept of a supermassive black hole and its surrounding disk of gas. Credit: Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC)

    Astronomers have seen what could be the first ever light flare detected from a black hole merger.

    Their findings potentially create a new chapter within astrophysics because the merger of black holes was not expected to generate light waves, as the gravity associated with black holes is so great that nothing – not even light – usually escapes from them.

    The study – published in Physical Review Letters – involved an international team of scientists, including physicists from the School of Physics and Astronomy.

    Gravitational waves

    Previous observations have shown that when two black holes spiral around each other and ultimately collide and merge, they generate ripples in space and time known as gravitational waves.

    The phenomena is a direct consequence of Einstein’s theory of gravity and was first detected by scientists in 2015, leading to the Nobel Prize in Physics. 

    Black hole merger

    In the latest study, a black hole merger was spotted by the National Science Foundation’s Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) and the European Virgo detector in May 2019. As the black holes collided with each other, they sent out the expected gravitational waves.

    Shortly after, the California Institute of Technology’s (Caltech) Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), located at the Palomar Observatory near San Diego, captured a flare of light that was pinpointed to the same area as the gravitational wave event.

    This supermassive black hole was burbling along for years before this more abrupt flare. The flare occurred on the right timescale, and in the right location, to be coincident with the gravitational-wave event. In our study, we conclude that the flare is likely the result of a black hole merger, but we cannot completely rule out other possibilities.

    Matthew Graham - Lead author, Research Professor of Astronomy, Caltech 

    Light flare

    Supermassive black holes lurk at the centre of most galaxies, including our own, the Milky Way. These central supermassive black holes can be surrounded by a disc of flowing gas which contains swarms of stars and smaller black holes.

    The flow of the gas helps to bring the smaller black holes together, enabling them to merge, and creates a larger black hole within the disk. Upon creation, the new black hole has a large velocity and it is given what scientists described as “a kick” through the gas disk.

    Experts said it is the reaction of the gas to the new speeding black hole that creates a bright light flare, visible with telescopes.

    The newly formed larger black hole should cause another burst of light in the next few years, according to the scientists.

    This result, the optical flash resulting from two black holes colliding and crushing the gas around them, is so exciting. As a wee kid, I was hooked by the idea of black holes and now, as a big kid, the fact that we have ‘seen’ as well as ‘heard’ these black hole mergers, is an amazing discovery that has deep implications for astrophysics. I'd like to thank the LIGO, Virgo and ZTF collaborations for their dedication and hard work over the years and I hope this finding inspires people of all ages and informs future studies in astronomy.

    Dr Nicholas Ross - Project collaborator and STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellow at the Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh.

    The paper, titled, "A Candidate Electromagnetic Counterpart to the Binary Black Hole Merger Gravitational Wave Event GW190521g” was funded by the NSF, NASA, the Heising-Simons Foundation, and the GROWTH (Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen) programme.