Royal Society Career Development Fellowship
Royal Society Career Development Fellowship application details
Please take note of requirements such as word and character limits (more details available ) . In addition to the scheme notes, the email below covers things that the School needs you to be aware of and some questions that we need you to answer.
If you are in any doubt about your eligibility due to career breaks or other awards you have received, please contact the Royal Society (CDF [at] ) now for confirmation.
We will provide you with salary costs as well as the directly allocated and indirect costs. You will need to decide on other expenses that you would like to request. The scheme notes detail the other costs supported by this scheme.
If you are interested in applying for this scheme, please notify the School’s grants team at grants [at] no later than 9am 8thJanuary 2024. Also please identify an academic host who will support your application.
We will then ask you to provide confirmation of your final budget by 5pm Monday 15th January 2024 . This will allow the School to start preparing authorisations for submission. We also need you to complete and return the attached ethics questionnaire. This is required for all grant applications.
The deadline for final submission is 3pm on Wednesday 24th January, however when you submit your application you are submitting to the University of Edinburgh submitter pool (Host Organisation Approver) and not to the Royal Society. Colleagues in the submitter pool must have time to check your application before they can submit to the Royal Society, therefore you must submit your application by 9 am on Wednesday 17th January 2024 at the latest. This is a hard deadline. We recommend that you are contactable by e-mail leading up to and on the day of the deadline in the event that we, or anyone from the submitter pool, needs to contact you to make any necessary changes to your application.
Before you are able to submit your application, your referee and the Head of School must submit their statements of support. It is your responsibility to make sure that your referee is willing and able to submit their statements before final submission on the 17th January. We will make sure that the Head of School statement is submitted in time.
The current Head of School is Professor James Dunlop. Please use the email address jsd [at] on the application form.
When compiling your application on Flexi-Grant (the Royal Society online portal) please leave the “Research Support” field blank as this is an optional information.
For now, please provide answers to the questions below:
- When was your PhD awarded and what is your current salary?
- What is your anticipated start date? Fellowships are expected to commence between 1st October 2024and 1st January 2025 (page 3, paragraph 1.5 of the attached Scheme Notes).
- Do you wish to apply to hold a fellowship part time or full time?
- Do you expect to request a single item of equipment over the value of £10k?
For peer review, our Director of Research does not need to see your proposal, however he has requested that you work closely with your internal academic support. If you would like to have further input from another reviewer please liaise directly with the hosting institute. If you do wish to arrange for another reviewer you will need to do this now to make sure there is enough time for feedback.
If you have any questions please do get in touch with the School’s grants team – grants [at]