Pure gravity amplitudes via color-kinematics duality in the fundamental representation
Pure gravity amplitudes via color-kinematics duality in the fundamental representation
- Event time: 1:00pm
- Event date: 5th November 2014
- Speaker: Alexander Ochirov (Formerly School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Edinburgh)
- Location: Higgs Centre Seminar Room, Room 4305, James Clerk Maxwell Building (JCMB) James Clerk Maxwell Building Peter Guthrie Tait Road Edinburgh EH9 3FD GB
Event details
The Bern-Carrasco-Johansson color-kinematics duality implements in a powerful and elegant way the relationship between gauge theory and gravity scattering amplitudes from tree level to high loop orders. It is originally formulated for theories with purely-adjoint field content. In this talk, I will discuss the generalization of the BCJ construction to gauge theories with fundamental-representation particles and outline how it can be used to construct amplitudes for pure gravity theories, such as Einstein's general relativity.[
About Particle Physics Theory seminars
The Particle Physics Theory seminar is a weekly series of talks reflecting the diverse interests of the group. Topics include analytic and numerical calculations based on the Standard Model of elementary particle physics, theories exploring new physics, as well as more formal developments in gauge theories and gravity..