"Burgulence" in random matrix theories

Statistical Physics and Complexity Group meeting

"Burgulence" in random matrix theories

  • Event time: 11:30am until 12:30pm
  • Event date: 12th April 2017
  • Speaker: Professor Maciej A. Nowak (Mark Kac Complex Systems Research Center, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland)
  • Location: Room 2511,

Event details

 Traditional description of the dynamics of eigenvalues origins from the seminal paper by Dyson, who proposed stochastic description of the evolution of eigenvalues.  However, one can rephrase this problem in another language, similar to the toy-model of turbulence formulated by Burgers.  In this picture one can identify spectral viscosity and spectral shock waves,  and determine critical exponents of the emerging universal behavior,  which can be verified  in lattice simulations. One can also point at several analogies to other systems, e.g. caustics phenomena in diffractive optics.