Field Theory of stochastic particle systems

Statistical Physics and Complexity Group meeting

Field Theory of stochastic particle systems

  • Event time: 3:00pm until 4:00pm
  • Event date: 24th May 2022
  • Speaker: (Imperial College, London)
  • Location: Online - see email.

Event details

Field theory has been a major work-horse of statistical mechanics for a long time, because it naturally accommodates many interacting agents within the same framework and is easily extended to incorporate additional interactions and reactions. A particularly interesting application is active matter, where particles turn environmental energy, i.e. chemical fuel, into mechanical energy, for example self-propulsion. Doi-Peliti field theories are designed to retain the particle nature of the constituents of such stochastic particle systems. In the present talk, I will review how Doi-Peliti field theories can be built and used to characterise active matter to reveal how it breaks time-reversal symmetry.

Event resources