1-2 pm: Phase diagrams of perturbed CFTs and conformal boundary conditions
1-2 pm: Phase diagrams of perturbed CFTs and conformal boundary conditions
- Event time: 12:30pm until 2:30pm
- Event date: 12th February 2025
- Speaker: Anatoly Konechny (Heriot-Watt University)
- Location: Room 6201, James Clerk Maxwell Building (JCMB), King's Buildings James Clerk Maxwell Building Peter Guthrie Tait Road Edinburgh EH9 3FD GB
Event details
Phase diagrams of perturbed CFTs and conformal boundary conditions
In this talk I will discuss the task of charting phase diagrams of perturbed conformal field theories (CFT). I will explain how massive perturbations can be labelled by conformal boundary conditions in the UV CFT. I will then describe how the phase diagrams of perturbed 2D CFTs can be be found numerically via truncated Hamiltonians and the attempts to describe them analytically using variational ansatze based on conformal boundary conditions. Various challenges for the analytic description will be discussed.
About Particle Physics Theory seminars
The Particle Physics Theory seminar is a weekly series of talks reflecting the diverse interests of the group. Topics include analytic and numerical calculations based on the Standard Model of elementary particle physics, theories exploring new physics, as well as more formal developments in gauge theories and gravity..