High-Level Trigger
Our group is involved in several trigger-related activities, with an emphasis on ATLAS' High-Level Trigger (HLT). They include:
- the coordination of trigger menus and performance group, and menu development (Dr Christos Leonidopoulos, Dr Antonia Struebig)
- defining the trigger specifications for the future AthenaMT LHC software framework (Dr Ben Wynne)
- HLT Monitoring: development of TRP: a trigger-rate visualisation tool (Andreas Sogaard, Neofytos Themistokleous)
In the past, we also worked on these areas:
- the profiling and optimisation of the Inner-Detector tracking algorithm performance (Dr Andrew Washbrook, Dr Ben Wynne)
- R&D to explore whether HLT algorithms can run in multi-core architectures, e.g. Xeon Phi or NVIDIA’s GPU (Tim Bristow)
- the development of a track-based lepton isolation algorithm for the Level-1 Track Trigger Upgrade for Phase 2 (Sebastian Olivares)
- HLT Monitoring: optimisation of software performance and migration towards menu-aware, flexible monitoring, and interface with Oracle's SQL database (Xanthe Hoad, Dr Christos Leonidopoulos, Dr Ben Smart)
Internal trigger notes documenting this work:
"Trigger Menu in 2017", ATLAS internal note, ATL-COM-DAQ-2017-143
"Trigger Menu in 2016", ATLAS internal note, ATL-COM-DAQ-2016-137
"Report of the Run-2 B-physics stream task force", ATLAS internal note, ATL-COM-DAQ-2017-044 2017
"Proposal for inclusion of di-jet and B-physics triggers in delayed stream for exotic analyses", ATLAS internal note, ATL-COM-DAQ-2016-099
These activities are led by Dr Christos Leonidopoulos and Dr Victoria Martin.