Postgraduate opportunities

PhD in Experimental Particle Physics

Our next round of PhD recruitment will be for the 2025-26 academic year, with an application deadline in January 2025. There are often scholarship opportunities with earlier deadlines, so we encourage potential applicants to get in touch with us sooner rather than later (silvia.gambetta [at] in case these may be relevant. Information on the application process can be found here.

We offer fully-funded STFC PhD studentships (since 2021 onwards, for both UK and international students), and can support Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarship (for any nationality). We are also part of the ScotDIST CDT in Data Intensive Science. Applicants will automatically be considered to be supported by these internal funding options. We also encourage candidates apply for external scholarships where available. Examples are the Bell-Burnell scholarship and the Schlumberger `Faculty for the Future' fellowship, but there are many others with varying eligibility criteria.

We welcome applications from excellent candidates who already hold a scholarship (or have their own funds), or wish to apply for a PhD place in conjunction with a scholarship application. Most projects include the opportunity for a fully-funded long-term attachment to CERN for 12-18 months.  For more information ppe-phd [at] (email us).

MSc in Particle and Nuclear Physics

From September 2018 we offer an MSc degree in Particle and Nuclear Physics. This  MSc is aimed to develop research and problem solving skills, with graduates gaining the skills needed to apply advanced data analysis techniques to the large data sets being collected by running and planned experiments. Learn more here or contact the program directors victoria.martin [at] (Victoria Martin) or mneedham [at] (Matthew Needham).  We offer scholarships towards fees for 2022/23 entry on this program see here

Useful links

Information about current Particle Physics Experiment PhD projects  and MSc opportunities can be found in our Postgraduate Research Study section: