Summer placements
Opportunities for students to expand their knowledge and understanding of physics.
The School runs a Career Development Scheme, funding and supporting a small number of students to undertake research projects within the School or with industry over the summer period.
The School also supports students who undertake summer projects in external institutes, and the University has a number of scholarship schemes available for students to undertake short placements and educational exchanges.
Here are what some of our students have to say about their summer work experience:
Julia Jaeger
The experience confirmed the choice I made about my career path.
Semeli Papadogiannakis
I was able to get a glimpse of what real research looks like, from idea to published work.
Matjaz Vidmar
...I also learned how to plan my work efficiently and how to collaborate in an industrial environment...
Flaviu Cipcigan
I am continuing this research as a PhD student...
Marina Ruiz Sanchez-Oro
I have gained more experience in laboratory and data acquisition techniques, time management and communication
Chris Acheson
I learned a lot about programming, intellectual property, business models, workplace motivation and responsibilities, the space industry, professional report writing, giving presentations, communicating with investors and more