Project Juno
Project Juno is an award scheme that recognises and rewards university physics departments, schools of physics, and related institutes and organisations that can demonstrate they have taken action to address gender equality at all levels and to foster a more inclusive working environment.
What are the six principles?
1. A robust organisational framework to deliver equality of opportunity and reward
2. Appointment and selection processes and procedures that encourage men and women to apply for academic posts at alllevels
3. Departmental structures and systems which support and encourage the career progression and promotion of all staff and enable men and women to progress and continue in their careers
4. Departmental organisation, structure, management arrangements and culture that are open, inclusive and transparent and encourage the participation of all staff
5. Flexible approaches and provisions that enable individuals, at all career and life stages, to optimise their contribution to their department, institution and to SET (Science, Engineering and Technology)
6. An environment where professional conduct is embedded into departmental culture and behaviour.
What are the levels of Juno awards?
There are three levels of Juno awards: Supporter, Practitioner & Champion.
How is the School involved?
The school successfully renewed its Juno Champion status in 2023.
You can see our submission and letter of award on the "Juno submission and feedback documents" link listed below.