Triple success in Astronomy Grants
The School has achieved an excellent outcome in the latest round of grants awarded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council’s Astronomy Grants Panel.
The new Astronomy and Astrophysics Consolidated Grant, led by Professor Philip Best, will support 11 theoretically and observationally-focussed postdoctoral researchers at the Institute for Astronomy from April 2021, on research topics ranging from exoplanet studies to cosmology. This is an increase of funding from seven researchers, which was received at the last submission three years ago.
Support for two further postdoctoral researchers in solar system and planetary science was successful through the Astrobiology-focussed Consolidated Grant led by Professor Charles Cockell. These two grants were complemented by a successful Consortium Grant in Nuclear Astrophysics, with Edinburgh-lead Professor Alex Murphy.
Combined, these grants represent a success rate of just over 60% for Edinburgh researchers, roughly double the national average of 30%.