The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE)

DUNE  is a long-baseline neutrino experiment under construction in the US. A beam of neutrinos will be sent from Fermilab, near Chicago to the Sanford Underground Research Lab in South Dakota 800 miles away. The DUNE far detector consists of 70,000 tonnes of liquid Argon in the form of Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LArTPC) . The use of liquid Argon allows to reconstruct the products of neutrino interactions with high precision. The Edinburgh group activities are related to data acquisition, computing, detector simulation, photodetector development and nuclear interaction modeling.  For further information contact Dr Andrzej Szelc (a.szelc [at] ed.ac.uk), Dr Cheryl Patrick (cpatrick [at] ed.ac.uk) or Prof. Franz Muheim (f.muheim [at] ed.ac.uk).

To find more about DUNE: http://www.dunescience.org