A WAter CHerenkov Monitor for ANtineutrinos(WATCHMAN)
Large fluxes of anti-neutrinos are an unavoidable and clear by-product of nuclear fission. Being able to remotely monitor the operations of a registered reactor or discovering a clandestine reactor strengthens the global nuclear non-proliferation regime. WATCHMAN aims to demonstrate that it is possible to detector anti-neutrinos from a nuclear reactor in a Gadolinium doped water Cherenkov detector. The chosen site to demonstrate the feasibility of this technique is the STFC Boulby Undeground Facility located in Yorkshire. The aim is to demonstrate that anti-neutrinos from the Hartlepool nuclear reactor can be detected. Detector construction is beginning with operation planned for 2020. The Edinburgh groups activities in this area are focussed on testing of the PMTs of the experiment. For further information contact Franz Muheim(f.muheim [at], Alex Murphy(a.s.murphy [at] or Matthew Needham(matthew.needham [at] .
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