PhD projects in Nuclear Physics
About Nuclear Physics
The University of Edinburgh Nuclear Physics group has a broad range of interests in two research areas. In Nuclear Astrophysics, we aim to understand the processes and nuclear reactions that create the chemical elements. This requires performing experiments underground to study reactions at the very low energies occurring in stars such as the sun, and with beams of radioactive nuclei to study reactions involved in explosive events such as supernovae, which occur at higher temperatures and involve unstable isotopes. In Nuclear Structure, we study the fundamental properties of atomic nuclei, by performing precision measurements of masses and radioactive decays. We focus in particular on at present poorly understood exotic, short-lived species, far from stability.
Available PhD projects
A list of current PhD projects in Nuclear Physics is shown below. Click on each project to find out more about the project, its supervisor(s) and its research area(s).
- From radioactive waste to core collapse supernovae
- I Astrophysical origins of the heavy elements
- Investigation of nuclear structure via high-precision mass measurements at TITAN, TRIUMF
- Low energy reactions for quiescent stellar evolution
- Mass measurements of the most exotic isotopes at the FRS Ion Catcher, GSI/FAIR
- Neutron desctruction of 40K
- Nucleosynthesis Calculations
- Nucleosynthesis in novae and X-ray bursts
- Origin of nature’s rarest stable isotope
- Production of proton-rich heavy elements in supernovae
- Underground measurements of key nuclear astrophysics reactions