Further reading and resources
Below we have provided some resources and further reading related to EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion). This list is meant as a starting point for people interested in further exploring EDI, and is not meant to be a complete list of all available EDI resources.
Advance HE Statistical Reports
University of Edinburgh Equality Diversity Monitoring and Research Committee (EDMARC) reports
Further Reading
Never too Late to Learn: Mature Students in Higher Education (2012) (1.10 MB PDF)
Age discrimination and the Equality Act
Royal Association for Deaf People
Scottish Sensory Centre: British Sign Language Glossary of Curriculum Terms
Royal National Institute for Blind People
Advance HE Statistical Reports
University of Edinburgh Equality Diversity Monitoring and Research Committee (EDMARC) reports
Further Reading
Supporting Students in STEM with Colour Vision Deficiency (2017) (3.98 MB PDF)
Scottish ADHD Coalition: What is ADHD?
University Accessibility Statement
Further Reading
Equate Scotland - training, careers advice and events to support women students and staff in STEM
Edinburgh University Women in STEM (EUWiSTEM)
GenHet - Gender In High Energy Theory
Advance HE Statistical Reports
University of Edinburgh Equality Diversity Monitoring and Research Committee (EDMARC) reports
Further Reading
EUWiSTEM / Spread the Word - The Future of EDI in STEM
EqualBITE: Gender equality in higher education (2018) (35.4 MB PDF)
Gender stereotypes about intellectual ability emerge early and influence children’s interests
Why not physics?: A snapshot of girls' uptake at A-level
Women in Life Sciences Best Practice Guide
Diversity and Inclusion in Peer Review at IOP Publishing
Is Publishing in the Chemical Sciences Gender Biased?
Advance HE Statistical Reports
Further Reading
Pink Saltire: LGBT+ News in Scotland
A Short Guide to Sharing Pronouns for Trans Allies
One Minority at a Time: Being Black and Gay (2012) (980 KB PDF)
Stonewall - LGBT in Britain: University Report (2018) (2.23 MB PDF)
Coming out in STEM: Factors affecting retention of sexual minority STEM students (2018)
IoP: Scientists must create culture of tolerance to improve LGBT+ retention (2019)
IoP, RSC, RAS: Exploring the Workplace for LGBT+ Physical Scientists (2019)
Scottish Association for Mental Health
Resources for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
NHS - information on Student Mental Health
Further Reading
NUS-USI Student Wellbeing Research Report 2017
Advance HE Student Academic Experience Survey 2021
Universities UK Student mental wellbeing in higher education - Good Practice Guide
The Anti-Racist Curriculum Project Guide - Advance HE
Imkaan - Support for BME Women
Use of language: race and ethnicity from Advance HE
Astrobetter - Equal Opportunity Astronomy: Articles and Resources
American Physical Society - Minority Physics Statistics
The Runnymede Trust - The UK's leading independent race equality thinktank
UCAS Undergraduate reports by sex, area background and ethnic group
The Royal Society Diversity in Science - Inspiring Scientists
Advance HE Statistical Reports
University of Edinburgh Equality Diversity Monitoring and Research Committee (EDMARC) reports
Further Reading
Racism in Higher Education: ‘What Then, Can Be Done?’
Tackling Racial Harassment: Universities Challenged (2019)
Religion and belief
Faith and Worship Facilities Near the University
Citizen's Advice: Discrimination because of religion or belief
Advance HE Statistical Reports
Further Reading
Religion and belief in higher education: the experiences of staff and students (2011) (1.58 MB PDF)