Improving life through water purification technology - Duncan Peter (IF Water)
Improving life through water purification technology - Duncan Peter (IF Water)
- Event time: 9:30am
- Event date: 11th March 2024
- Speaker: Duncan Peters (IF Water)
- Location: CSEC Seminar Room (level 3, behind Magnet Cafe)
Event details
Join us to hear from Duncan Peters, Founder and CEO of IF Water. IF have developed a point-of-use water purification technology capable of producing consistent drinking water from remote or previously untreatable sources. In this talk, Duncan will introduce IF along with their technology and mission, and explain how they are reimagining old technology for the future. He will also discuss how being mission driven can help attract funding, how to get started with new technology and how long-term thinking can reduce stress and increase confidence when starting a business.
About Entrepreneurship events
We run a series of Entrepreneurship Masterclasses and Start-Up Clinics for staff and postgraduate students. Our workshops link understanding in physics to the functionality of ingredients, formulations and food processes. These are open to the public. .