Arnold Myers and Murray Campbell ,
Proceedings, Forum Acusticum 2023 , European Acoustical Association (2023)
Arnold Myers and Murray Campbell ,
Proceedings, Forum Acusticum 2023 , European Acoustical Association (2023)
Arnold Myers , Joël Gilbert and Murray Campbell ,
Larigot , 70 , p. 28-35 (2022)
M. Campbell , J Gilbert and A. Myers ,
Acoustics 2021 , Institute of Acoustics , 43 (2021)
Arnold Myers , Murray Campbell and Joel Gilbert ,
Acoustics Today , 17 , 2 , p. 13-22 (2021)
Alan Woolley , Donald Murray Campbell and Simon Carlyle ,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Music Acoustics 2019 - ISMA 2019 , German Acoustical Society (DEGA) (2019)
Murray Campbell , Michael Newton , John Chick and Amaya Lopez-Carromero ,
International Symposium on Musical and Room Acoustics (ISMRA) Proceedings , ISMRA (2016)
Jonathan Kemp , Amaya Lopez-Carromero , Alan Woolley and Donald Murray Campbell ,
Proceedings of the Third Vienna Talk on Music Acoustics , p. 9-14 (2015)
Alan Woolley and Murray Campbell ,
Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2014 Krakow , Polish Acoustical Society (2014)
Murray Campbell , John Chick , Joel Gilbert , Jonathan Kemp , Arnold Myers and Michael Newton ,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (2014)
Murray Campbell , John Chick and Arnold Myers ,
Historic Brass Society Journal , 26 , p. 63-78 (2014)
D. M. Campbell ,
Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics , International Institute of Acoustics and Vibrations , 36 , p. 286-293 (2014)
Lisa Norman , J. A. Kemp , John Chick and Murray Campbell ,
Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference (SMAC) (2013)
Murray Campbell , Arnold Myers and John Chick ,
International Congress on Acoustics (2013)
John Chick , S. Logie , L. Norman and Murray Campbell ,
International Congress on Acoustics (2013)
A. Woolley and M. Campbell ,
Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics , 35 , p. 433-442 (2013)
John Chick , S. Logie , Murray Campbell and Joel Gilbert ,
SFA Acoutsics 2012, Nantes (2012)
Arnold Myers , Robert W. Pyle , Joel Gilbert , Murray Campbell , John Chick and Shona Logie ,
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 131 , 1 , p. 678-688 (2012)
John Chick , Shona Logie , Murray Campbell , Arnold Myers and Joel Gilbert ,
Forum Acusticum 2011 (2011)
Shona Logie , John Chick , Murray Campbell and Stefan Bilbao ,
Forum Acusticum 2011 (2011)
Lisa Norman , Murray Campbell and Arnold Myers ,
Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Denmark, 27 June - 1 July 2011 Preprints , European Acoustical Association , p. 585-589 (2011)
James M. Buick , M. Atig , D. J. Skulina , D. M. Campbell , J. P. Dalmont and J. Gilbert ,
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 129 , 3 , p. 1261-1272 (2011)
Shona Logie , Murray Campbell , John Chick , Arnold Myers and Joel Gilbert ,
Acoustical Society of America Meeting, Cancun, Mexico, J. Acoust. Soc. Am, 128, 4, 2282 , Acoustical Society of America (2010)
Arnold Myers , Robert W. Pyle , Joel Gilbert and Murray Campbell ,
Proceedings of the 2nd Vienna Talk on Music Acoustics, September 2010 , University of Music and Performing Arts (2010)
Lisa Norman , John Chick , Arnold Myers and Murray Campbell ,
ViennaTalk 2010 (2010)
John Chick , Shona Logie , J. Kemp , Murray Campbell and R.A. Smith ,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (2010)
Lisa Norman , Murray Campbell , John Chick and Shona Logie ,
Proceedings of International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (2010)
L. Norman , John Chick , D. M. Campbell , A. Myers and J. Gilbert ,
Acta Acustica united with Acustica , 96 , 4 , p. 614-621 (2010)
J. A. Kemp , D. M. Campbell , John Chick , M. van Walstijn and R. A. Smith ,
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 128 , 1 , p. 195-205 (2010)
J. A. Kemp , S. M. Logie , John Chick , R. A. Smith and D. M. Campbell ,
10th Congres Francais d'Acoustique (2010)
Arnold Myers , Murray Campbell , Joel Gilbert and Robert W. Pyle ,
10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique , Societe Francaise d'Acoustique , p. 102-105 (2010)
S. M. Logie , John Chick , S. Stevenson and D. M. Campbell ,
10th Congres Francais d'Acoustique (2010)
Lisa Norman , Arnold Myers and Murray Campbell ,
SfA Conference, Lyon, April 2010. Preprints , Societe Francaise d'Acoustique (2010)
O. Richoux , A. Degroot , B. Gazengel , R. MacDonald and M. Campbell ,
Applied Acoustics , 71 , 2 , p. 157-163 (2010)
Philippe Guillemain , Jean Kergomard , Stefan Bilbao and Murray Campbell ,
Acta Acustica united with Acustica , 96 , 4 , p. V-V (2010)
Seona Bromage , Murray Campbell and Joel Gilbert ,
Acta Acustica united with Acustica , 96 , 4 , p. 603-613 (2010)
Murray Campbell and Patsy Campbell ,
The Science of String Instruments , Springer , p. 301-315 (2010)
Lisa Norman , Arnold Myers and Murray Campbell ,
Galpin Society Journal , 63 , p. 143-158 (2010)
S. Stevenson , John Chick and M. Campbell ,
Proceedings NAG/DAGA (2009)
L. Norman , John Chick , M. Campbell and A. Myers ,
Proceedings NAG/DAGA (2009)
S. Logie , John Chick and M. Campbell ,
Proceedings NAG/DAGA (2009)
S. Stevenson , M. Campbell , S. Bromage , John Chick and J. Gilbert ,
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 125 , 4 , p. EL152-EL157 (2009)
Murray Campbell ,
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 124 , 4 , p. 1854-1857 (2008)
J. Kemp , John Chick , D. M. Campbell and D. Hendrie ,
Proceedings, ASA-EAA joint conference 'Acoustics 08' (2008)
Arnold Myers and Murray Campbell ,
Echoes: The newsletter of The Acoustical Society of America , 18 , 3 , p. 4-6 (2008)
J. Chavez-Sagarnaga , J. M. Buick , J. Y. Ooi , P. Pankaj and D. M. Campbell ,
Int. Seminar on Civil Engineering Practices in Twentyfirst Century, Roorkee, India , p. 11 (2008)
J. Kemp , John Chick , M. Campbell and D. Hendrie ,
Institute of Acoustics Spring Conference (2008)
Murray Campbell , Anne Degroot , Robert Macdonald , Olivier Richoux and Bruno Gazengel ,
Applied Acoustics , 69 , 12 , p. 1308-1317 (2008)
S. Stevenson , D. M. Campbell , John Chick , J. Gilbert and S. Bilbao ,
Proceedings, ASA-EAA joint conference 'Acoustics 08' (2008)
S. Stevenson , John Chick , S. Bromage and Murray Campbell ,
International Symposium on Music Acoustics, Barcelona, Spain (2007)
J. Kemp , John Chick , Murray Campbell , Darren Hendrie and Arnold Myers ,
19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, Spain (2007)
Murray Campbell ,
Acoustical Science and Technology , 28 , 4 , p. 215-218 (2007)
M. J. Newton and D. M. Campbell ,
Institute of Acoustics - Spring Conference Futures in Acoustics 2006 , Institute of Acoustics , 2 , p. 682-690 (2006)
John Chick , S. Bromage , Murray Campbell , S. Stevenson and J. Gilbert ,
8ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique (2006)
Murray Campbell and Arnold Myers ,
Brass Scholarship in Review , Pendragon Press , p. 251-274 (2006)
Arnold Myers , Seona Bromage and Murray Campbell ,
Forum Acusticum Budapest 2005 , p. 405-410 (2005)
John Chick , S. Bromage and Murray Campbell ,
Forum Acusticum Budapest (2005)
J. M. Buick , J. C. Chavez-Sagarnaga , Zhijun Zhong , Jin Ooi , Pankaj Pankaj , Murray Campbell and C. A. Greated ,
Journal of Engineering Mechanics , 131 , p. 299-307 (2005)
J. P. Chick , S. Bromage and D. M. Campbell ,
Proc. Forum Acusticum (2005)
Murray Campbell , Maarten van Walstijn , Jonathan Kemp and David Sharp ,
Acta Acustica united with Acustica , 91 , 3 , p. 590-604 (2005)
Murray Campbell , Clive Greated and Arnold Myers ,
Oxford University Press (2004)
Murray Campbell ,
Acta Acustica united with Acustica , 90 , 4 , p. 600-610 (2004)
J. Chavez-Sagarnaga , J.M. Buick , Jin Ooi , Pankaj Pankaj , Murray Campbell and C.A. Greated ,
Intetnational Congress for Particle Technology, PARTEC 2004, Nuremberg (2004)
T. MacGillivray , D. Campbell , C. Greated and R. Barham ,
Acta Acustica (Stuttgart) , 89 , 2 , p. 369-376 (2003)
Calum Gray , D M Campbell and Clive A Greated ,
Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference (SMAC 03) (2003)
J.M. Buick , J. Chavez-Sagarnaga , Z. Zhong , Jin Ooi , Pankaj Pankaj , Murray Campbell and C.A. Greated ,
16th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Seattle (2003)
T. MacGillivray , D. Campbell and C. Greated ,
Acta Acustica united with Acustica , 88 , 1 , p. 135-141 (2002)