Sadegh Khochfar

Photo of Professor S Khochfar
Professor S Khochfar

Professor S Khochfar

Personal Chair of Theoretical Astrophysics
Academic staff
Royal Observatory, Edinburgh (ROE)
Room C19

Sadegh is a member of the following School research institute:

Research interests

  • Theoretical modelling of galaxy formation and evolution 
  • Numerical simulations of structure formation
  • Early-type galaxies
  • Black holes
  • High redshift Universe
  • Lecturer on the smoothed particle hydrodynamics module of the Computational Astrophysics course
  • Laboratory coordinator on the Observational Astronomy course

Sadegh has featured in the following recent School news stories:

Research in a nutshell video thumbnail

The first billion years of the Universe

In this video Sadegh describes how he simulates the birth of the first galaxies at the cosmic dawn.

Recent publications

  1. , , and , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 537, 2, p. 674-690
  2. , , , , and , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532, 4, p. 3797-3807
  3. , , and , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume, 529, 1, p. 604-627
  4. , , , , , and , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527, 1, p. 307-320
  5. and , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 4, p. 5583-5597