Einan Gardi , Franz Herzog , Stephen Jones , Yao Ma and Johannes Schlenk ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 2023 , 7 , p. 1-70 (2023)
Giulio Falcioni , Einan Gardi , Niamh Maher , Calum Milloy and Leonardo Vernazza ,
Physical Review Letters , 128 , 13 , p. 1-7 (2022)
Giulio Falcioni , Einan Gardi , Niamh Maher , Calum Milloy and Leonardo Vernazza ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 2022 , 3 , p. 1-132 (2022)
Einan Gardi , Mark Harley , Rebecca Lodin , Martina Palusa , Jennifer M. Smillie , Chris D. White and Stephanie Yeomans ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 18 , p. 1-85 (2021)
Samuel Abreu , Ruth Britto , Claude Duhr , Einan Gardi and James Matthew ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 10 , p. 1-64 (2021)
Giulio Falcioni , Einan Gardi , Calum Milloy and Leonardo Vernazza ,
Physical Review D, particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology , 103 , 11 , p. 1-7 (2021)
Simon Caron-Huot , Einan Gardi , Joscha Reichel and Leonardo Vernazza ,
Journal of High Energy Physics (2020)
Jacob L. Bourjaily , Einan Gardi , Andrew J. McLeod and Cristian Vergu ,
Journal of High Energy Physics (2020)
Samuel Abreu , Ruth Britto , Claude Duhr , Einan Gardi and James Matthew ,
Journal of High Energy Physics (2020)
Samuel Abreu , Ruth Britto , Claude Duhr , Einan Gardi and James Matthew (2020)
Samuel Abreu , Ruth Britto , Claude Duhr , Einan Gardi and James Matthew (2020)
Einan Gardi , Simon Caron-Huot , Joscha Reichel and Leonardo Vernazza (2020)
Calum Milloy , Giulio Falcioni and Einan Gardi ,
Wilson-line geometries and the relation between IR singularities of form factors and the large-x limit of DGLAP splitting functions , PoS - Proceedings of Science , p. 1-11 (2020)
Giulio Falcioni , Einan Gardi and Calum Milloy ,
Journal of High Energy Physics (2019)
Samuel Abreu , Ruth Britto , Claude Duhr , Einan Gardi and James Matthew ,
Proceedings of Science , LL2018 , 047 (2018)
Simon Caron-Huot , Einan Gardi , Joscha Reichel and Leonardo Vernazza ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , N/A , p. 1-34 (2018)
Samuel Abreu , Ruth Britto , Claude Duhr and Einan Gardi (2018)
Samuel Abreu , Ruth Britto , Claude Duhr and Einan Gardi ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 1712 , 90 (2017)
Øyvind Almelid , Claude Duhr , Einan Gardi , Andrew McLeod and Chris D. White ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 1709 , 73 (2017)
Samuel Abreu , Ruth Britto , Claude Duhr and Einan Gardi ,
Physical Review Letters , 119 (2017)
Samuel Abreu , Ruth Britto , Claude Duhr and Einan Gardi ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 1706 , 114 (2017)
Simon Caron-Huot , Einan Gardi and Leonardo Vernazza ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 2017 (2017)
Einan Gardi , Oyvind Almelid and Claude Duhr ,
Proceedings, 13th DESY Workshop on Elementary Particle Physics: Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory (LL2016) : Leipzig, Germany, April 24-29, 2016 , PoS - Proceedings of Science , LL2016 (2016)
Øyvind Almelid , Claude Duhr and Einan Gardi ,
Physical Review Letters , 117 , 17 (2016)
Einan Gardi ,
Proceedings of Science , LL2014 , 069 , p. 1-16 (2014)
Giulio Falcioni , Einan Gardi , Mark Harley , Lorenzo Magnea and Chris D. White ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 2014 , 10 (2014)
Einan Gardi ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 14 , 04 (2014)
Samuel Abreu , Ruth Britto , Claude Duhr and Einan Gardi ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 2014 , 10 (2014)
Einan Gardi ,
Proceedings of Science , RADCOR2013 , 2014 (2013)
Mark Dukes , Einan Gardi , Heather McAslan , Darren J. Scott and Chris D. White ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 2014 , 1 (2013)
M. Dukes , E. Steingrímsson , E. Gardi and C.D. White ,
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A , 120 , 5 , p. 1012-1037 (2013)
Lorenzo Magnea , Vittorio Del Duca , Claude Duhr , Einan Gardi and Chris D. White ,
Proceedings of Science , LL2012 (2012)
Vittorio Del Duca , Claude Duhr , Einan Gardi , Lorenzo Magnea and Chris white ,
Physical Review D , 85 , 7 (2012)
Vittorio Del Duca , Claude Duhr , Einan Gardi , Lorenzo Magnea and Chris white ,
Proceedings of Science (2012)
Vittorio Del Duca , Claude Duhr , Einan Gardi , Lorenzo Magnea and Chris White ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 2011 , 12 (2011)
Einan Gardi and Chris D. White ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 2011 , p. 1-37 (2011)
Einan Gardi and Lorenzo Magnea ,
Il Nuovo Cimento C - Colloquia on Physics , 032 , 05-06 (2010)
M. Antonelli , D.M. Asner , D. Bauer , T. Becher , M. Beneke , A. bevan , M. Blanke , C. Bloise , M. Bona , E. Gardi et al.,
Physics Reports , 494 , 3-4 , p. 197–414 (2010)
Einan Gardi , Eric Laenen , Gerben Stavenga and Chris white ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 2010 , 11 , p. 1-82 (2010)
T. Binoth , G. Dissertori , J. Huston , R. Pittau , J. andersen , J. Archibald , S. Badger , R. ball , G. Bevilacqua , I. Bierenbaum , L. Del Debbio , E. Gardi et al.,
Universite Joseph Fourier (2010)
Lance dixon , Einan Gardi and Lorenzo Magnea ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 2010 , 81 , p. 1-38 (2010)
Lance dixon , Einan Gardi and Lorenzo Magnea ,
Proceedings of Science , p. 1-6 (2010)
Einan Gardi and Lorenzo Magnea ,
Journal of High Energy Physics , 2009 , 3 (2009)
Patricia Ball , Vladimir M. Braun and Einan Gardi ,
Physics Letters B , 665 , 4 , p. 197-204 (2008)
Einan Gardi ,
Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d’Aoste , Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati , XLVII — Special Issue , p. 381-406 (2008)
Einan Gardi and Georges Grunberg ,
Nuclear physics b , B794 , 1-2 , p. 61-137 (2008)