News archive: 2018
Yearly listings of School news.

Outstanding students receive medals and awards
19 November 2018
Congratulations to students who received Medals, Certificates, Prizes and Scholarships at the School of Physics & Astronomy undergraduate student awards ceremony.

Celebrating career project success
15 November 2018
Students, staff, industry and supporters met to celebrate project achievements and award the presentation for the best student project.

Celebrating the wonders of physics
12 November 2018
Visitors were treated to a feast of activities on complex fluids, particle collisions, chocolate workshops and a physics-inspired ceilidh at the recent Festival of Physics.

Intense tests reveal elusive, complex form of common element
09 November 2018
An unusually complex form of nitrogen has been revealed in an experiment that shows for the first time how simple molecular elements can have complex structures at extreme pressures.

Creating a stir during physics potions workshops
05 November 2018
Wizard apprentices try out their magic at the Midlothian Science Festival.

Max Planck Humboldt Research Award for Prof Catherine Heymans
29 October 2018
Funds to develop work to understand the origin of Dark Energy.

Chancellor’s Rising Star Award
29 October 2018
Dr Beth Biller has been awarded the 2018 Chancellor’s Rising Star Award.

Supermolecules of hydrogen
22 October 2018
Scientists have discovered a new class of compounds which contain very large amounts of hydrogen.

Physics and Astronomy at the Postgraduate Open Day, 14 November 2018
12 October 2018
Discover more about our MSc programmes and PhD opportunities.

Exploring physics though ceilidh dancing, examining squashy materials and making comets!
03 October 2018
The School of Physics and Astronomy took part in a very successful Explorathon and Doors Open Day during the last weekend in September.

Applications invited for Chancellor's Fellows
18 September 2018
These prestigious awards support highly talented early career researchers from across the world to develop their careers.

Physics and Astronomy at the 2018 Doors Open Day
04 September 2018
The School of Physics and Astronomy is opening its doors at the end of September

Research fellowship opportunities in collaboration with industry
28 August 2018
TRAIN@Ed research fellowship for candidates with a background in experimental particle physics and machine learning

Equality & Diversity wiki unveiled for School students and staff
22 August 2018
Information, guidance and resources to help create an open and inclusive enviroment for study and work

World’s largest laser lends insight into giant planets of solar system
22 August 2018
Scientists gain valuable insight into how hydrogen behaves at extreme conditions, such as those found within Jupiter and Saturn

A diffusing barrier creates a new universality class for interfacial growth
13 August 2018
Investigating the shape of protein and bacterial interfaces in the presence of an impenetrable moving membrane

Award in recognition of excellence in nuclear physics for Carlo Bruno
30 July 2018
The European Physical Society announces prize winners of PhD theses in experimental, theoretical or applied nuclear physics

Prof Cait MacPhee is Royal Society’s Gabor Medal winner 2018
20 July 2018
The Gabor Medal is awarded annually for acknowledged distinction of interdisciplinary work between the life sciences with other disciplines

Life on Earth kept to darkness for much of history
20 July 2018
Tiny creatures that lived in the dark – either underground or below the sea floor – were the dominant life forms on Earth for much of the planet’s history, a study suggests

Laser experiments shed light on Earth’s core
16 July 2018
Scientists have discovered fresh insights into the metallic core at the centre of our planet

‘Physicist of the Year’ prizes awarded to local school pupils
02 July 2018
Local secondary school pupils receive award and gain an insight into studying physics

Proteins make waves and surf them in the cell membrane
25 June 2018
A new stochastic equation for active, growing interfaces predicts the evolving shape of a cellular membrane

CERN upgrade to enable increased understanding of the physical universe
18 June 2018
Edinburgh researchers will help further the understanding of the physical universe following a major upgrade to create the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC)

Charles Glover Barkla plaque commemoration
14 June 2018
Nobel Laureate is commemorated at former residence Hermitage House

Chemical traces from star formation cast light on cosmic history
04 June 2018
Chemical traces from star formation cast light on cosmic history.

Higgs Centre for Innovation – newly opened centre supporting entrepreneurs
28 May 2018
Opening of centre which supports space and data-intensive sector start-ups and SMEs

Success for School staff in the EUSA Teaching Awards
01 May 2018
Congratulations to Dr Jamie Cole and Prof Philip Clark for their success in the 2018 Teaching Awards

How bacteria use sticky patches to adhere to surfaces
30 April 2018
Understanding how bacteria stick, the differences of adhesion within a population of bacteria, and its influence in biomedical applications

Mission to chart a 3D map of the Milky Way
25 April 2018
Second release of results from the European Space Agency's Gaia mission takes place to the world scientific community

Physics magic at the Edinburgh International Science Festival
18 April 2018
Apprentice witches and wizards create potions and conduct spells at the ‘Physics Wizardry: Potion and Alchemy’ class

Deflection of remnant light from the big bang through cosmic filaments
17 April 2018
Scientists gain a greater understanding of central problems of cosmology like dark matter and dark energy

Elizabeth Leason wins Institute of Physics Conference poster prize
16 April 2018
Congratulations to year 1 PhD student in prize success

Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence
12 April 2018
The School of Physics and Astronomy is delighted to welcome Lucinda Bruce-Gardyne, Founder of Genius Foods Ltd as our Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence

Smallest galaxies in Universe lend insights into dark matter
09 April 2018
Scientists have created a new method to measure the amount of dark matter at the centre of tiny dwarf galaxies

Colleagues pay tribute to Prof Clive Greated
27 March 2018
School of Physics and Astronomy colleagues remember Professor Clive Greated who sadly passed away

Soft meets hard: hybrid solid electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries
12 March 2018
The creation of hybrid ceramic-polymer electrolytes

Physics-based model improves our understanding of the genetic code
05 March 2018
This cross-disciplinary work brings together physics and biology in order to understand how the genetic code determines the rate of protein production in the cell

Physics outreach workshops involving sweets, gin and beer!
01 March 2018
Discovering the physics that governs how the complex fluids in food and drink interact

Congratulations to new Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
27 February 2018
Congratulations to Professors Philip Best and Catherine Heymans, who have been elected to become Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE)

Painting with light-powered bacteria
22 February 2018
Researchers use genetically modified bacteria to produce light-induced patterns as a potential route for engineering smart materials

Taking complex fluids into a magical world
22 February 2018
Classes and demonstrations inspired by the ‘Harry Potter: A History of Magic’ exhibition at the British Library

Applications invited for Chancellor's Fellows
12 February 2018
These prestigious awards support highly talented early career researchers from across the world to develop their careers.

Beltane Fellow award for Dr Anne Pawsey
07 February 2018
Congratulations to Dr Anne Pawsey who has been awarded as ambassador for her public engagement work

Top cited particle physics paper
22 January 2018
'Results from a search for dark matter in the complete LUX exposure'