Marcel Ray, Johannes Walter, Johannes Harrer, Carmen Morcillo Perez, Salvatore Chiera, Sharanya Nair, Maret Ickler, Alesa Fuchs, Mark Michaud, Andrew B. Schofield, Job H. J. Thijssen et al., Nature Communications, 13, 1, p. 1-11
Shir R Liber, Ganit Indech, Ernest B van der Wee, Alexander V Butenko, Thomas E Kodger, Peter J Lu, Andrew Schofield, David A Weitz, Alfons van Blaaderen and Eli Sloutskin, Langmuir, 33, p. 13343-13349
Nick Koumakis, Marco Laurati, Alan R Jacob, Kevin J Mutch, A Abdellali, A B Schofield, Stefan U Egelhaaf, John F Brady and George Petekidis, Journal of rheology, 60, 4, p. 603-623
Toshimitsu Kanai, Niels Boon, Peter J Lu, Eli Sloutskin, Andrew B Schofield, Frank Smallenburg, Rene van Roij, Marjolein Dijkstra and David A Weitz, Physical Review E, 91
Kirill Sandomirski, Stefan Walta, Janine Dubbert, Elshad Allahyarov, Andrew B Schofield, Hartmut Lowen, Walter Richtering and Stefan Egelhaaf, European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 223, 3, p. 439-454
Shir R Liber, Shai Borohovich, Alexander V Butenko, Andrew B Schofield and Eli Sloutskin, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 110, 15, p. 5769-5773
Peter J. Lu, Fabio Giavazzi, Thomas Angelini, Emanuela Zaccarelli, Frank Jargstorff, Andrew B Schofield, James Wilking, Mark Romanowsky, David Weitz and Roberto Cerbino, Physical Review Letters, 108
Marco Laurati, Kevin Mutch, Nikolaos-Nektarios Koumakis, Jochen Zausch, Christian Amann, Andrew Bruce Schofield, George Petekidis, John Brady, Jurgen Horbach, Mattihus Fuchs et al., Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 24
Kathryn A. White, Andrew B. Schofield, Philip Wormald, Joe Tavacoli, Bernard P. Binks and Paul S. Clegg, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 359, 1, p. 126-135
Peter J. Lu, Hidekazu Oki, Catherine A. Frey, Gregory E. Chamitoff, Leroy Chiao, Edward M. Fincke, C. Michael Foale, Sandra H. Magnus, William S. McArthur, Andrew B. Schofield et al., Journal of real-Time image processing, 5, 3, p. 179-193
Lei Xu, Alexis Berges, Peter J. Lu, Andre R. Studart, Andrew B. Schofield, Hidekazu Oki, Simon Davies and David A. Weitz, Physical Review Letters, 104, 12, p. -
J. C. Conrad, H. M. Wyss, V. Trappe, S. Manley, K. Miyazaki, L. J. Kaufman, Andrew B Schofield, D. R. Reichman and D. A. Weitz, Journal of rheology, 54, 2, p. 421-438
D. El Masri, G. Brambilla, M. Pierno, G. Petekidis, Andrew B Schofield, L. Berthier and L. Cipelletti, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, p. -
M. Laurati, G. Petekidis, N. Koumakis, F. Cardinaux, Andrew B Schofield, J. M. Brader, M. Fuchs and S. U. Egelhaaf, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 130, 13, p. 134907-1 134907-14
L. G. Wilson, A. W. Harrison, Andrew B Schofield, J. Arlt and Wilson Poon, Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysical Chemistry), 113, 12, p. 3806-3812
E. M. Herzig, K. A. White, Andrew B Schofield, Wilson Poon, Michael Cates and Paul Clegg, NSTI NANOTECH 2008, VOL 2, TECHNICAL PROCEEDINGS, CRC Press, p. 657-660
A. E. Bailey, Wilson Poon, R. J. Christianson, Andrew B Schofield, U. Gasser, V. Prasad, S. Manley, P. N. Segre, L. Cipelletti, W. V. Meyer, M. P. Doherty, Peter Pusey et al., Physical Review Letters, 99, 20, p. -
Paul Clegg, E M Herzig, Andrew B Schofield, T S Horozov, B P Binks, Michael Cates and Wilson Poon, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17, 45, p. S3433-S3438
J Stellbrink, J Allgaier, D Richter, A Moussaid, Andrew B Schofield, Wilson Poon, Peter Pusey, P Lindner, J Dzubiella, C N Likos and H Lowen, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 74, p. S355-S357
K N Pham, A M Puertas, J Bergenholtz, S U Egelhaaf, A Moussaid, Peter Pusey, Andrew B Schofield, Michael Cates, M Fuchs and Wilson Poon, Science, 296, 5565, p. 104-106
J Dzubiella, A Jusufi, C N Likos, C von Ferber, H Lowen, J Stellbrink, J Allgaier, D Richter, Andrew B Schofield, P A Smith, Wilson Poon and Peter Pusey, Physical review E: Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics, 6401, 1, p. -
Wilson Poon, S U Egelhaaf, J Stellbrink, J Allgaier, Andrew B Schofield and Peter Pusey, Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 359, 1782, p. 897-907