Paul Clegg

Photo of Professor P S Clegg
Professor P S Clegg

Professor P S Clegg

Academic staff
James Clerk Maxwell Building (JCMB)
Room 2614

Paul is a member of the following School research institute and research areas:

Research interests

LinkedIn page

  • Soft interfacial materials including emulsions and foams
  • Application of soft materials in energy technologies, food, personal care products, etc.
  • Guiding experiments on soft composite materials using machine learning
  • Data modelling and analysis

google scholar

At the moment I teach the Lasers and Applications course for final year BSc and MPhys students, I am also the course organiser for the team taught Medical Physics course.

Paul has featured in the following recent School news stories:

Recent publications

  1. , , , and , Medical physics, p. 1-14
  2. , , , and , Medical physics
  3. , , , and , p. 1-2
  4. , , , and , Advanced Functional Materials, 34, 6, p. 1-9